
Shri Sujnanendra Teertharu

Sri Sugnanendra Theertha is the 28th saint in the lineage of gurus at Puttige mutt after Madhwacharya. He received his spiritual training from Sri Sudheendra Theertha and led the Peeta for 18 years. Born as the third son of Venkatakrishnachar, who was the Poorvashrama brother of Sri Sudheendra Theertha, Sri Sugnanendra Theertha underwent the Sudha mangala ceremony under Sri Vibudhapriya Theertha of Adamaru mutt in Ghatikachala. He took Ashrama in 1918.

During his tenure, Sri Sugnanendra Theertha constructed a Shilamantapa for Puttige mutt and contributed to the renovation of the Tirthahalli branch mutt. He was also proficient in Ayurveda and treated numerous people for various ailments. He received the title of 'Vidyavallabha' from Andhra University and erected the Vittala temple in Shimoga.

After passing on the leadership of the Peeta to Sri Sugunendra Theertha, Sri Sugnanendra Theertha entered Vrindavan at Udupi. He was renowned for his expertise in Ayurveda, and to this day, there is an Ayurveda shop in Rathabeedi named after him. Additionally, he established a branch of Puttige mutt in Basavanagudi, Bangalore.

Math Shri Puthige Math
Name of the Swamiji Shri Sujnanendra Teertharu
Period 18 Yrs
Guru Shri Sudhindra Teertharu
Shishya Shri Sugunendra Teertharu
Poorvashrama Name Shri Gopala
Brindavan Located at Udupi
Aradana Month Aashada
Paksha Krishna
Tithi Ekadashi

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