
Shri Narahari Teertharu Moola Brindavan (Shri Uttaradi Math)

॥ ससीतामूलरामार्चा कोशे गजपतेः स्थिता।
येनानीता नमस्तस्मै श्रीमन्नृहरिभिक्षवे॥

|| sasItAmUlarAmArchA koshe gajapateH sthitA |
yenAnItA namastasmai shrImannR^iharibhixave||

Shri Narahari Teertha Swamiji was the second after Sri Madhwacharya in the Guru Parampare.

Category Moola Brindavan
address Hampi, Karnataka
state Karnataka
district Bellary
city Hampi
area Hampi

How To Reach

Nearest Railway Station and Bus Terminus is Hospet. From Hospet Buses, Taxis and Autos are available to travel to Hampi. During summer there will be no water and one needs to walk through the mountains and do a little bit of trekking to reach the Brindavan. It is located in Hill Top. To reach Shri Narahari Teertharu Brindavana, one need not enter the Hampi Heritage Site. Instead take a right near the entrance and walk through the Mountains. During other seasons, there will be water around the Hill (where the Brindavan is located). Local Coracle (Round Boat) will be available to reach the bottom of the Hill. From there one needs to trek to reach the Brindavan.


Available in Shri Uttaradi Math and Shri Raghavendra Swamy Math located in Hospet and Anegundi.


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