
Shri Raghunatha Teertharu Aradhana (Shri Vyasaraja Math, Sosale)

Shri Raghunatha Teertharu

Period: 1700-1755 (55 Years)

Parampare: sOsale vyAsarAja maTa, #22

ArAdhana: AshADa shudda Chaturthi

Ashrama nAma: shri raghunAtha tIrtharu

Ashrama Gurugalu: Sri Lakshmi Narayana Thirtharu

Ashrama Shishyaru:

 1. Sri Lakshminidhi Tirtharu - entered vrundavana before gurugaLu at Srirangam

 2. Sri Jagannatha Thirtharu (Bhashyadeepikacharyaru), Vrundavana @ kumbakONam

 sarvasarvaM sahEshAnas

 sabhAsu jitavAdirAT |

 sarvadA sarvadO bhUyAt raghunAthamunIshvara: ||

 सर्वसर्वंसहेशानस्सभासु जितवादिराट् ।

 सर्वदा सर्वदो भूयात् रघुनाथमुनीश्वर:॥

 ಸರ್ವಸರ್ವಂಸಹೇಶಾನಸ್ಸಭಾಸು ಜಿತವಾದಿರಾಟ್ |

 ಸರ್ವದಾ ಸರ್ವದೋ ಭೂಯಾತ್ ರಘುನಾಥಮುನೀಶ್ವರ:||

 Bhashyadeepikacharya’s words on Sheshachandrika charya :-

 yEnaayaM niraNaayi madhvaguru sad bhaaShyaprakaashaashaya:

 praaKaMDi prativaadidarshanagaNa: praabaMdhigurvarNava: |

 shiShyEbhya: samadaayi vittamubhayaM praalaMbhividyaasanaM

 sOyaM shrIraGunaathayatiraaT shuddhiM vidadhyaanmatE: ||

 ಯೇನಾಯಂ ನಿರಣಾಯಿ ಮಧ್ವಗುರು ಸದ್ ಭಾಷ್ಯಪ್ರಕಾಶಾಶಯ:

 ಪ್ರಾಖಂಡಿ ಪ್ರತಿವಾದಿದರ್ಶನಗಣ: ಪ್ರಾಬಂಧಿಗುರ್ವರ್ಣವ: |

 ಶಿಷ್ಯೇಭ್ಯ: ಸಮದಾಯಿ ವಿತ್ತಮುಭಯಂ ಪ್ರಾಲಂಭಿವಿದ್ಯಾಸನಂ

 ಸೋಯಂ ಶ್ರೀರಘುನಾಥಯತಿರಾಟ್ ಶುದ್ಧಿಂ ವಿದಧ್ಯಾನ್ಮತೇ: ||

 येनायं निरणायि मध्वगुरु सद् भाष्यप्रकाशाशय:

 प्राखंडि प्रतिवादिदर्शनगण: प्राबंधिगुर्वर्णव: ।

 शिष्येभ्य: समदायि वित्तमुभयं प्रालंभिविद्यासनं

 सोयं श्रीरघुनाथयतिराट् शुद्धिं विदध्यान्मते: ॥


 1. Shesha Tatparya Chandrika (Last Two parts of Chandrika, the first 2 parts being     composed by shri vyAsarAja gurusArvabhoumaru)

 2. Tantrasara Sangraha Vyakyana (Tatvakarnika)

 3. Bruhatee Sahasra Vyakyana (Tatvasaara)

 4. Padaartha Viveka

 5. Karma Nirnaya Vyakyana

 6. Ishavasyopanishad Bhashya Teeka Vyakhyana

 7. Ganga stotra


Actually his ashrama name is Sri Raghunatha Thirtharu. Sri Vyasarajaru had written the commentary for Brahmasootra Bhashya titled “Tatparya Chandrika” but he had written only for the first two Chapters leaving the last two chapters.  When his disciples asked him why he has not completed the Tatparya Chandrika, he had told them that it would be written by another yathi in the parampare itself, quoting “Dashamo Matsamo Bhavet and that he will complete the same”. Sri Raghunatha Tirtharu is the 10th yati in sOsale vyAsarAja maTa after sri vyAsarAjaru and wrote the commentary for the remaining (shEsha) 2 chapters and came to be known as shEsha chandrikAchAryaru. He is treated as equal to Sri Vyasarajaru. This work is Shesha Tatparya Chandrika. It is vyakhyAna roopa of Tatvaprakashika and is also the completion of the work by Sri Vyasarajaru “Tatparya Chandrika”.


It is a vyakyana grantha for Acharya Madhwa’s Tantrasara grantha.


Bhashya Teeka vyakyana:

Here he has extracted the quotes from Jayatheertha’s granthas, Chandrikacharya’s granthas, Raghoottama Tirtha’s

Bruhadaranyakopanishad Vyakyana.

Gave the title Bhashyadeepikacharya to his shishyaru, Jagannatha Tirtharu:

Once when some Turushkaas tried to enter the maTa and steal the ornaments and idols, Jagannatha Tirtharu, who was the ashrama shishya of Sheshachandrikacharya, carried the box containing the idols and crossed the Kaveri River and saved it from being snatched by the thieves. But on the way, he got injured (hit by weapon – shastraghata). As such, jagannAtha tIrtharu felt and said he was not eligible to do Gopalakrishna dEvara pooja. He concentrated his time in shastra pravachana, writing granthas like Bhashyadeepika, Sootradeepika, etc.  One day, he was writing the Bhashyadeepika grantha, and was tired and sleeping. Sri Raghunatha Tirtharu who saw his shishya, took all the manuscripts and read them.  He was very happy and satisfied with the extent and quality of work. He told Jagannatha Tirtharu that there is no such dosha of shastraghata (injury) on him and blessed him that he can do the pooja of Gopalakrishna and gave him the title of  “Bhashyadeepikacharya”.

After  the  great  philosopher  saint  entered  Brindavana  in  Thirumakoodalu, mischief mongers  poisoned the mind of  the then king,  Hyder  Ali,  who  ordered that  the  BrindAvana be  uprooted  next  day.  That  night  Hyder  Ali  got  a dream  in which  the  entire  Srirangapatnam  was  getting  engulfed and  Tippu Sultan  being  swept away.  The  comfort  was  provided  in the dream  itself  promising to  rescue  the entire  Srirangapatnam  provided  the  proposal to  uproot the brindAvana was given up.  The  proposal  was  not  only  given up  but  permanent honours were  ordered  for the  Brindavan  and the maTa. 

Click here to know more about Shri Raghunatha Teertharu

Category Aradhana
month Aashada
paksha Shukla
tithi Chaturthi

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