Bhagini Truteeya, also known as Bhatru Dwitiya or Yama Dwitiya, is a Hindu festival that celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. It is observed on the Dwitiya Tithi (second day) of the Shukla Paksha (waxing phase of the moon) in the month of Kartika (October-November).
Key Significance:
Sister-Brother Bond: On this day, sisters pray for the long life, health, and prosperity of their brothers, while brothers express their love and promise to protect their sisters.
Mythological Importance: The festival is linked to the story of Yama (the God of Death) and his sister Yamuna. It is believed that Yama visited Yamuna on this day. Pleased with her hospitality, he declared that any brother who visits his sister on this day and receives her blessings will be blessed with a long life.
Similar to Raksha Bandhan: While Raksha Bandhan involves tying a rakhi, Bhagini Truteeya is focused more on the personal interaction and exchange of blessings between siblings.
Hospitality: Sisters invite their brothers to their homes and offer a special meal, which often includes their brother's favorite dishes.
Tilak Ceremony: Sisters apply a ceremonial tilak (vermillion or sandal paste) on their brother's forehead, symbolizing blessings.
Gifts: Brothers give gifts to their sisters as a token of love and appreciation.
Regional Observations:
Bhagini Truteeya is celebrated differently across regions, with some local variations in rituals and traditions.
It holds special significance in parts of India, including Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Odisha.
It is a beautiful festival that reinforces familial bonds and promotes love and harmony within families.
Category | Other Rituals |
month | Kartheeka |
paksha | Shukla |
tithi | Tritiya |
Nakshatra | |
yogha |