
Shri Adamaru Math

Shri Adamaru Math

Adamaru is a village in the South East of Udupi. The village can be reached by taking a left turn at Bada Yermal on Udupi-Mangalore route on National Highway 66 while travelling from Mangalore to Udupi. Shri Madhvacharya established Eight Matha's. Among them, Shri Adamaru Matha is Second Matha.

The first pontiff of Adamaru Matha was Shri Narasimha Teertha, who entrusted the devoted responsibility of worshipping the Chaturbuja Kalinga Mardhana Krishna given by Shri Madhvacharya. Palimaru Matha and Adamaru Matha are dwandva Mathas and the Paryaya Cycle starts from Palimaru Matha, succeeded by Adamaru Matha established by Shri Madhvacharya.

Head Quarters

Shri Adamaru Matha,
Car Street, Thenkpete, Udupi – 576 101
Karnataka, India
Tel: +91-820-2520317

Official Website:

Disclaimer:  The above information is gathered from official websites of the Math and/or Other Internet Sources and/or through reliable pundits.



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