
Shri Vishvavandya Teertharu

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The Ashramanama as Vishwavandyatirtha was fruitful and agreeable in all respects. The personality of Swamiji was multi faceted. He was highly learned and well experienced in both i.e. Shastric fields and worldly affairs. He was the master of all lores and arts. Many a times, he took active part in scholarly debates and defeated the opponents through advanced arguments. At the time of debate and discourse he could make everyone stunned by giving stock and sample reply to the point immediately. Vishwavandyatirtha entered the holy Vrindavana in the year 1422 A.D. His period of pontificial incharge of Vedanta Empire was 24 years.

Source -

Math Shri Sode Vadiraja Math
Name of the Swamiji Shri Vishvavandya Teertharu
Period 1422
Guru Shri Vedatma Teertharu
Shishya Shri Ratnagarbha Teertharu
Poorvashrama Name
Brindavan Located at
Aradana Month Jyesta
Paksha Shukla
Tithi Dashami

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